Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mackay Coffee Idol 2011. Only Five Sleeps.

The jam session last Tuesday went well
Almost all the contestants were there.

Steve, from Gloria Jeans, will be our head judge.
Steve was involved in the lively Q and A session at the jam. I think we settled a few nerves, and stirred others up.

The delegates from Billy Baxters, were there, Caroline, Penny, and Kierra, are joined here by Jenny.
Jenny won the "Came The Farest" award. In from Moranbah.

The GJ baristas were there also

Their motto seems to be 'No show without Them'. They're probably right .
We had a bit of a pretend run through, just to help the new guys get 'the feel'.

Miss Pauline, The Yorkshire lass from Cafe La de da, is the defending champion. Pauline is as nervous, shakey, and as uncomfortable as ever. You would think that after a couple of contests that she would be settling in by now. Maybe it's the bar that is so much higher now than a few years ago. Perhaps it's the skill level of her fellow contestants that's making her jumpy.

Our Latte Art comp has come a long way over the last few years. I believe it reflects just how much the Mackay specialty coffee community has grown over that time, too.

There are so many good home machines in use, that cafes have to keep working harder to stretch and grow, just to keep up with their customers expectations. I mean, why would you go out if you could do better yourself at home?

I have also put some videos on utube, from the jam. To find them on utube, search 'Mackay Coffee Idol'. You can send those links to your friends.

So, see you all at the MECC by 11am Tuesday, and bring your own fan clubs with you, too.

It really is a big deal, and I hope you let us, [and through us our sponsors] know that it is making a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a great comp guys, the standard was really high and I speak on behalf of both Caroline and kierra when I say it was an honour to compete against you all... Each year the bar will continue to be raised and I'm sure many new techniques will be adopted.
    Congratulations Pauline, u stayed so calm and focused, and well done to Jenny for coming runner up- massive achievement!
    Also a big thanks to the judges, and major sponsors, and especially John and steve for pulling it all together... I know how hard it is to run a busy business and you guys seem to do it all so effortlessly.
    See u all at the debreif at la de da in the near future.
